LEARN-CS engages in research that explores the narratives often omitted from mainstream computer science research; those at the intersections of race and gender.
Current funded projects:​
NSF, Racial Equity in STEM Ed, Division of Equity in Excellence in STEM, Collaborative Research: Overcoming Isolation & Scholarly Devaluation by Bolstering the Collective Agency of Black Discipline-Based Education Researchers $1,095,344
UR2PhD (Undergraduate Research to PhD) Increasing and Diversifying US Computing PhDs through a National Virtual Mentoring Program to Support Undergraduate Students in Computing Research, $5M
NSF, AISL, ECR-HER Core Research - Instrument Development: Racially & Ethnically Minoritized Youths’ Varied Out-Of-School-Time Experiences and Their Effects on STEM Attitudes, Identity, and Career Interest, $950,262
CAREER, NSF, CAREER: Cracking the Diversity Code: Understanding Computing Pathways of those Least Represented, $662,350
Legacy funded projects:
NSF, CISE, EAGER Broadening the Pathway: A case study analysis of the implications of math and science on computer science graduate’s employability, $300,000
NSF, EAGER: SaTC-EDU: Designing and Evaluating Curriculum Modules for Inclusive Integration of AI into Cybersecurity, $300,000
NSF, Engineering Education, Research in the Formation of Engineers, Characterizing Postdoctoral Education, Mentorship, Gender, and Race in the Formation of Academic Engineers and Computer Scientists, $350,000​
FIU KFSCIS Center for Inclusive Computing, Northeastern University Center for Inclusive Computing, Best Practices Grant, $625,000
The Path Least Travelled: An exploration of the experiences of Hispanic students traversing the barriers from a 2-year program to 4-year program as transfer students to careers in computer science, Duke University Gift, $99,996.34
Center for Homeland Security Research and Education, U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Center for Advancing Education and Studies on Critical Infrastructure Resilience (CAESCIR), $1.2M
IUSE, NSF, Understanding the implications of gamification on women computer science students’ engagement and women-CS fit, $300,000
Verizon Innovative Learning for Minority Males Program: FIU Pathways to STEM, $396,000​​​
EAGER, NSF, BPE Demystifying the Engineering and Computer Science Underrepresentation Problem: Understanding the pathways to and through these Disciplines for Black and Hispanic Women, $71,206
NCWIT Extension Services for Undergraduate Programs (NCWIT ES-UP), $10,000
Kargarmoakhar, M., Ross, M., Hazari, Z., Secules, S., Weiss, M., Georgiopoulos, M., Christensen, K. (2023). The Effect of Communities of Practice Scholarship Program on Students' Computing Identity. ACM Transactions on Computing Education In review.
Lunn, S., Zerbe, E., Ross, M. (2023).You're Hired! A Phenomenographic Study of Undergraduate Students' Pathways to Job Attainment in Computing. ACM Transactions on Computing Education Accepted.
Ross, M. (2022). Let’s have that conversation: How limited epistemological beliefs exacerbates inequities and will continue to be a barrier to broadening participation. ACM Transactions on Computing Education, 23(2): 1-4. https://doi.org/10.1145/3578270​
Ross, M. (2023). Resilient Engineering Identity. The Bridge. 52(4): 25-28
Bahson, M., Berdanier, C., Ross, M. (2022). Postdoctoral Supervisors’ Expectations of the Knowledge, Skills, and Attributes Required for and Developed During Postdoctoral Training. International Journal of Engineering Education. 38(5A): 1-17.​
Ross, M., Farhangi, S., Patel, D., Waisome, J., Garcia, A. (2022). Traversing the landscapes of computer science: A case study of Black women’s journey in graduate school to become computer scientists. Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering.
Lunn, S., Ross, M., Hazari, Z., Weiss, M.A., Georgiopoulus, M., Christensen, K. (2021). How Do Educational Experiences Predict Computing Identity? ACM Trans. Comput. Educ. 22, 2, Article 12 (November 2021)
Zahedi, L., Batten, J., Ross, M., Potvin, G., Damas, S., Clarke, P., Davis, D. (2021). Gamification in Education: A mixed-methods study of gender on computer science students’ academic performance and identity development. Journal of Computing in Higher Education.
Lunn, S., Zahedi, L., Ross, M., Ohland, M. (2021). Exploration of Intersectionality and Computer Science Demographics: Understanding the Phenomena Related to Historical Shifts. ACM Transactions on Computing Education. 21(2): 1-30.
Ross, M., Huff, J., Godwin, A. (2021). Resilient Engineering Identity Development Critical to Prolonged Engagement of Black Women in Engineering. Journal of Engineering Education. 110(1), pp. 92-113.​
Dou, R., Bhutta, K. Ross, M., Kramer, L., Thamotharan, V. (2020). The effects of computer science stereotypes and interest on middle school boys’ career intentions. ACM Transactions on Computing Education, 20(3): 1 - 15
Ross, M.,Hazari, Z., Sonnert, G., Sadler, P. (2020). The intersection of being Black and being a woman: Examining the effect of social computing relationships on computer science career choice. ACM Transaction on Computing Education, 20(2).
https://doi.org/10.1145/3377426 Available upon request​
Kirn, A., Huff, J. L., Godwin, A., Ross, M., Cass, C. (2019) Exploring Tensions of Using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis in a Domain with Conflicting Cultural Practices.Journal of Qualitative Research in Psychology, 16(2), 305-324, DOI:10.1080/14780887.2018.1563270.
Potvin, G., McGough, C., Benson, L., Boone, H.J., Dolye, J., Godwin, A., Kirn, A., Ma, B., Rohde, J., Ross, M., Verdin, D. (2018) Gendered interests in electrical, computer, and biomedical engineering: Intersections with career outcome expectations. IEEE Transactions on Education 61(4), 298-304.​
Verdín, D., Godwin, A., and Ross, M., (2018) "STEM Roles: How Students’ Ontological Perspectives Facilitate STEM Identities," Journal of Pre-College Engineering Education Research (J-PEER): 8(2), 31-48. ​
Ross, M., Capobianco, B., Godwin, A. (2017). Re-positioning identity as a viable theoretical framework for studying Black women in engineering. Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering, 23(1), 37-52 (2017)
Conference Proceedings:​
Kargarmoakhar, M., Ross, M. (2023). A Quantitative Approach: Computer Science Path for Muslim vs Non-Muslim Female Students, 2023 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), College Station- TX, October 18 -21.
Zhu, J., Ross, M. (2023). Investigating Women's Learning Experiences in Computing through the Lens of Schlossberg's Transition Theory. IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, College Station, TX, Oct. 18 – 21, 2023.
Batten, J., Ross, M. (2023). Classroom Cultural Mindset and Broadening Participation: A Pilot Study. IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, College Station, TX, Oct. 18 – 21, 2023.
Bahnson, M., Berdanier, C., Ross, M. (2023). Postdoctoral Mentorship Competency Assessment for Engineering and Computer Sciences. IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, College Station, TX, Oct. 18 – 21, 2023.
Bahnson, M., Berdanier, C., Ross, M. (2023). Capturing “The Forest” or “The Trees”: Measurement and Initial Validation of Mentorship Competency Items for Postdoctoral Mentors in Engineering and Computer Science Disciplines. 2023 AERA Annual Meeting, Chicago, April 13-16
Bahnson, M., Berdanier, C., Ross, M. (2023). Change is Hard: Transitions into and Through Engineering Graduate Education. 2023 AERA Annual Meeting, Chicago, April 13-16
Zhu, J., Lunn, S., & Ross, M. S. (2023). Characterizing women’s alternative pathways to a computing career using content analysis. In Proceedings of the 54th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education V. 1 (SIGCSE 2023). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 158–164. https://doi.org/10.1145/3545945.356979​
Zhu, J., Lunn, S., & Ross, M. S. (2022). Career Transitions: Exploration of Women's Trajectories into a Computing Role. Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Conference on International Computing Education Research (ICER) 2022.​
Patel, D., Ross, M.S., Zhu, J. (2022). "The effectiveness of social media for inclusion of women in computing," 2022 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), Uppsala, Sweden, 2022, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/FIE56618.2022.9962660.​​
Lunn, S., Ross, M. (2021). Methodology Matters: Employing Phenomenography to Investigate Experiences in Computing Fields and the Application of Theoretical Frameworks. Submitted to the Frontiers in Education (FIE), IEEE. ​
Lunn, S., Ross, M. (2021). Ready to Work: Evaluating the Role of Community Cultural Wealth during the Hiring Process in Computing. Submitted to IEEE Conference on Research in Equity and Sustained Participation in Engineering, Computing, and Technology (RESPECT).
Lunn, S., Ross, M., Hazari,Z., Weiss, M. A., Christensen, K., Georgiopoulos, M. & Solis, T. (2021). “Uneven playing field: Examining preparation for technical interviews in computing and the role of cultural experiences”, Submitted to the Annual American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) conference, Jun. 2021.
Lunn, S., Ross, M. (2021). “Unnecessary Hurdles: A Systematic Literature Review Examining the Hiring Process in Computing,” Submitted to the 17th Int'l Conf on Frontiers in Education: Computer Science and Computer Engineering (FECS’21), July 2021.
Lunn, S.J. & Ross, M.S. (2021). Cracks in the Foundation: Issues with Diversity and the Hiring Process in Computing Fields. 127th Annual Conference and Exposition of American Society for Engineering Education, 2021, Long Beach, CA.
Batten, J. & Ross, M. (2021). A systematic review of social constructivist pedagogies in computing and their effects on broadening participation for women in undergraduate computing, in 127th Annual Conference and Exposition of American Society for Engineering Education, 2021, Long Beach, CA.
Kargarmoakhar, M., Lunn, S., Ross, M., Hazari, Z., Weiss, M.A., Christensen, K., Georgiopoulos, M., & Solis, T. (2021). Impact of Social Support on Students’ Interest in Pursuing a Graduate Degree in a Computing Field. 127th Annual Conference and Exposition of American Society for Engineering Education, 2021, Long Beach, CA.
Zhu, J., Zahedi, L., & Ross, M.S. (2021). Evaluating Publications' Keywords in Computer Science Education Research: A Topic Relevance Approach. 127th Annual Conference and Exposition of American Society for Engineering Education, 2021, Long Beach, CA.
Zhu, J., Zerbe, E., Ross, M., & Berdanier, C.G.P. (2021). The Stated and Hidden Expectations - Applying Natural Language Processing Techniques to Understand Postdoc Experiences through Job Postings. 127th Annual Conference and Exposition of American Society for Engineering Education, 2021, Long Beach, CA.
Lunn, S., Ross, M., Hazari, Z., Weiss, M. A., Christensen, K., & Georgiopoulos, M. “The impact of technical interviews, and other professional and cultural experiences on students’ computing identity”, Submitted to the 26th annual conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education (ITiCSE), ACM, Jun. 2021.
Ross, M., Litzler, L., Lopez, J. (2020). Meeting students where they are: A virtual computer science education research (CSER) experience for undergraduates (REU), 2021 SIGCSE Conference, Toronto, CA
Zahedi, L., Ebrahiminejad, H., Ross, M. S. & Ohland, M. W. (2021). Multi-Institution Study of Student Demographics in Computing Majors in the USA. In Proceedings of The Collaborative Network for Computing & Engineering Diversity Conference.
Kargarmoakhar, M., Lunn, S., Zahedi, L., Ross, M., Hazari, Z., Weiss, M., Georgiopoulos, M., Christensen, K., Solis, T. 2020, Understanding the Experiences that Contribute to the Inclusion of Underrepresented Groups in Computing, 2020 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), Uppsala- Sweden, October 21 -24. ​
Perez, D., Zahedi, L., Ross, M., Vinci-Cannava, T., Zhu, J., Charters, C., Kramer, L. (2020). WIP: An exploration into the muddiest points and self-efficacy of students in introductory computer science courses. 2020 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), Uppsala, Sweden, October 21 -24.​
Lunn, S., Zhu, J., & Ross, M. (2020). Utilizing Web Scraping and Natural Language Processing to Better Inform Pedagogical Practice. In 2020 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), Uppsala, Sweden. IEEE, October 21 -24.​
Clarke, P., Thirunarayanan, M.O., Chaithra, A., Sotomayor, J., Ross, M., (2020). Experiences of integrating learning and engagement strategies (LES) into software engineering courses. American Society for Engineering Education, Montreal, Canada
Zahedi, L., Ebrahimi Nejad, H., Ross, M. S., & Ohland, M. W. (2020). Leveraging machine learning techniques to analyze computing persistence in undergraduate programs. American Society for Engineering Education, Montreal, Canada
Kargarmoakhar, M., Ross, M., Hazari, Z., Weiss, M., Georgiopoulos, M., Christenson, K. (2019). Computing Pathways: A quantitative inquiry into the dynamic pathways of students in computing with gender comparisons. American Society for Engineering Education, Montreal, Canada
Uribe-Gosselin, C.,Ross, M.(2019). SparkDev: Development program to facilitate collaboration and learning in computer science. 2019 International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence (CSCI). December, 2019, Las Vega, NV​
Zahedi, L., Ross, M.(2019). Assessing the effects of gamification on computer science students: A gender study on academic performance. Grace Hopper Research Symposium, October 1 – 4, 2019, Orlando, FL.​
Zahedi, L., Batten, J., Ross, M., Clarke, P., Potvin, G. (2019). Understanding the implications of gamification on women computer science students’ engagement and women-CS fit. Poster Session, Tapia, Sep. 18 – Sep. 21, 2019, San Diego, CA​
Bhutta, K., Dou, R., Ross, M. (2019). Computer science stereotypes: Social agreement and divergence as predictors of career choice. 23rdAnnual Posters on the Hill, April 29-30, Washington, D.C.​
Kargarmoakhar, M., Ross, M. (2019). Influences of friends and family on women’s pursuit of computing: A sequential explanatory design. Grace Hopper Celebration, Oct. 2 - 4, 2019, Orlando, FL ​
Kargarmoakhar, M., Ross, M. (2019). How cultural messages through experiences influence occupational pursuit of Muslim female computer science students. ASEE 126th Annual Conference and Exposition, June 16 – 19, 2019, Tampa, FL​
Zahedi, L., Ross, M. (2019). Implications of gamification in learning environments on women in computer science students, ASEE 126th Annual Conference and Exposition, June 16 – 19, 2019, Tampa, FL​
Taheri, M., Hazari, Z., Ross, M. (2019). Exploring computing identity and persistence across multiple groups using structural equation modeling, ASEE 126th Annual Conference and Exposition, June 16 – 19, 2019, Tampa, FL​
Kargarmoakhar, M., Ross, M. (2019). Influences of friends and family on women’s pursuit of computing: A sequential explanatory design. Hawaii University International Conferences: STEM/STEAM Education Conference, June 5 – 7, 2019, Honolulu, HI ​
Zahedi, L., Batten, J., Ross, M., Clarke, P., Potvin, G. (2019). Understanding the implications of gamification on women computer science students’ engagement and women-CS fit. SIGCSE, Feb. 27 – Mar. 2, 2019, Minneapolis, MN
Bhutta, K., Dou, R., Ross, M., Kramer, L., Thamatharan, V. (2019). ComputerScience Stereotypes and Identity: Two Career-Choice Models for InformalPrograms to Consider. NARST, Baltimore, MD, March 31-April 3, 2019.​
Garcia, A., Ross, M.,Hazari, Z., Solis, T., Weiss, M., Christensen, K., Georgiopoulos, M. (2018). Examining the Computing Identity of High-Achieving Underserved Computing Students on the Basis of Gender, Field, and Year in School. The Collaborative Network for Engineering and Computing Diversity Conference (CoNECD)
Ross, M., Garcia, A.,I lead, therefore I am: The impact of student-mentor leadership opportunities on STEM identity development and sustainability. 125thASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, June 24-27, 2018.
Bhutta, K., Dou, R.,Ross, M. (2018). Computer Science Identity: Decoding career interest & stereotype barriers. FIU Undergraduate Research Symposium; FIU Teach Conference
Taheri, M., Ross, M., Hazari, Z. (2018). A Structural Equation Model Analysis of Computing Identity Sub-Constructs and Student Academic Persistence. Frontiers in Education (FIE).
Kirn, A., Godwin, A., Pearson, N., Rodriguez-Simmonds, H., Ann Rohde, J., Vealey, K., Jackson, B., Li, O., Nittala, S., Verdin, D., Ross, M. Building Support for Diversity through Engineering Teams. 124thASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, June 25-28, 2017
Kirn, A., Godwin, A., Cass, C., Huff, J., Ross, M. (2017) Mindful Methodology: A transparent dialogue on adapting Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis for engineering education. 124thASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, June 25-28, 2017.
Fletcher, T., Ross, M. (2017) Instructors perceptions of Site Leadership within a Summer Engineering program (evaluation). 124thASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, June 25-28, 2017.
Ross, M. (2017) Workshop: Know thyself- Retaining your authentic self in the computing workplace. TAPIA (ACM Richard Tapia Celebration of Diversity in Computing) Conference, September 20-23, 2017.
Ross, M. (2017) Diversity and Inclusion: Leveraging existing skills in preparation for the engineering workplace. National Association of Multicultural Engineering Program Advocates (NAMEPA) Conference, September 10-13, 2017. Presented as Webinar, Feb., 28, 2018 – Due to Irma​​
Bo​ok Chapters:​​
Huff, J., Ross, M., (2023). “Identity in engineering education: Toward an integrated view of what it means to identify (or not) as engineers.” International Handbook of Engineering Education. (Johri, A., Ed.).
Ross, M. (2022). “Towards an inclusive and equitable future: The imperative to broaden participation in computing.” Equity in the classroom: Essays on curricular and pedagogical approaches to empowering all students. (Mealy, T.M., Bennett, H., Ed.).